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A knocking at the Door

The Night Time Ghost

One night, when I was in the bathroom to brush my teeth, I was nowhere near the sink and it turned on by itself and turned off again. I got my toothbrush, looked in the mirror and saw nothing. I looked again and saw a white glare in the mirror that was behind me. I turned around and nothing was there. The light kept flickering on and off by itself. No one was in there with me. I opened the door and ran out. My sister said nothing happened to her in the bathroom.

At night, when I had to go to bed, I kept tossing and turning, I was restless and kept thinking about the bathroom incident. I put the blanket over my head, but my feet were out and I felt as if someone was in the room with me.

I felt someone was grabbing my toes squeezing them gently. I was too scared to look, I couldn't move, it felt like I was paralyzed. I could feel someone on the bed with me.

I was so scared, it felt like someone was on top of me. I tried to scream but it was holding my throat. I was still under my blanket and it was still on me. I kept trying to scream but I could not. I also heard footsteps in my room. It finally stopped.

I got out of my covers and my throat was in pain. I finally fell asleep and in the morning I was better. I told my sister, who didn't believe me. I could tell my mom secretly believed me. It happens to me every night. I'm so tired, I can never fall asleep. I keep asking my mom if we can move. I hate waking up every night.
